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Understanding and Using Chinese Grammar ????????? (English-Simplified Chinese ??-?????): ??????????, ????, 200?????? (English Edition) de Zhou Xiaogeng

Descripción - For most learners of the Chinese language, two kinds of tools are essential for them: one is a dictionary, and the other is a grammar book. If we think of the learning process as building a house, a dictionary represents the utilities and features of the raw materials for construction, while a grammar book shows the principles and methods for how to build a house with the materials."Interesting," "practical," and "unique" are the right words for describing this grammar book. This book not only introduces the fundamental knowledge about the Chinese language but also, and more importantly, reveals the reasons behind the principles and rules, which helps learners to understand this language and apply the grammar rules well.This grammar book actually gets learners out of the boring elements, such as excessive memorizing and drilling, for learning a new language, and it helps learners to create the correct the words and sentences similar to what they do in mathematical calculations. Only in this way can learners radically accelerate their learning process and get more fun from learning a new language."汉语难学"是很多海外学习者普遍的感受,尤其是那些与我们有着巨大文化差异的欧美学习者,这种反映更为突出。根据美国《时代周刊》一篇报道中的统计,对于美国学习者而言,达到汉语中级水平所需学习时间通常要比达到西班牙语中级水平所需的学习时间多出近三倍!实际上,所谓"汉语难学",并非是因为汉语本身有多复杂,而是在于汉语的"不同"——汉语有着自身独特的思维方式以及语言规则,而它与英语等语言之间的差别,宛如如同中医与西医的差别。破解这个困境的根本在于:让学习者真正理解汉语复杂表面之下的"简单":我们需要让学习者理解汉语自身的思维方式特点、理解语法规则与语言习惯的深层次的合理性。只有帮助学习者真正把握了汉语的"经络",才能在根本上提高学习效率。这无疑向国际汉语教育者和研究者提出了极富挑战性的课题:首先,需要从全新的角度来发现汉语自身的思维特点与语用规则;其次,需要跳脱我们自身作为母语人群的话语体系,基于汉语学习者的角度,用更易懂、更易用,同时也更有趣生动的方式展现汉语。这本书就是基于上面的目标编写的。你会发现,在理论体系、内容选择以及编排方式而言,它更适合用于国际汉语课堂教学。

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Understanding and Using Chinese Grammar ????????? (English-Simplified Chinese ??-?????): ??????????, ????, 200?????? (English Edition)
  • Autor: Zhou Xiaogeng
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Humanidades
  • Tamaño del archivo: 13 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 125 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Descargar Understanding and Using Chinese Grammar ????????? (English-Simplified Chinese ??-?????): ??????????, ????, 200?????? (English Edition) de Zhou Xiaogeng Libros Gratis en EPUB

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